040 23569964

Return and Refund Policy:

Your Donation, Your Impact:

Thank you for choosing to support APSCFOUNDATION.ORG and contributing to our mission of making a positive impact in the lives of others. Please read our Return and Refund Policy carefully before making a donation.

Donation Refunds:

  • Final and Non-Refundable: Contributions made through APSCFOUNDATION.ORG are considered final and non-refundable. Once a donation is processed and completed, it cannot be reversed or refunded.
  • Directed Support: We do not offer refunds for donations made, as they are directed towards supporting various charitable causes and projects facilitated by our partner NGOs.

Cancellation Policy:

  • Irreversible Transactions: As donations are voluntary contributions towards specific charitable initiatives, they cannot be cancelled or reversed once processed through our platform.
  • Review and Confirmation: We encourage donors to carefully review their donation amount and intended recipient before confirming the transaction to ensure accuracy and alignment with their charitable intentions.


  • Error Resolution: In rare cases where a donation is made in error (e.g., duplicate transactions, technical glitches), donors may contact us within 24 hours of the transaction for assistance. We will review the request on a case-by-case basis and provide appropriate support as needed.

Statutory Compliance:

  • Transparency and Accountability: APSCFOUNDATION.ORG adheres to all applicable laws and regulations governing charitable donations and fundraising activities. We ensure transparency and accountability in handling donations received through our platform.
  • Support and Resolution: In the event of any discrepancies or concerns regarding donations, donors are encouraged to reach out to our support team for assistance and resolution.

Thank you for your understanding and commitment to supporting meaningful causes through APSCFOUNDATION.ORG. Your generosity is greatly appreciated and makes a difference in the lives of those in need.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact our support team at [INFO@APSCFOUNDATION.ORG].

This Privacy Policy was last updated on [Date 06-04-2024].

Warm regards,